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The purpose of this chart is to illustrate to scale the generations of man, especially biblical life spans compared with historical epochs. The dating conventions used are the bible record (Torah) and the work of scholars such as Ussher but note that ancient dates are not intended to be empirically accurate. The biblical record holds good until the time of Moses, thereafter dates are reckoned in years BC.In establishing ancient dates, several points of contention required decision.

1) Genesis indicates that Abraham was 75 years old when his father Terah died (aged 205). Accordingly Terah was 130 years old when Abraham was born (205 -75 =130). The detail in Genesis 11:26 is ambiguous: “Terah lived seventy years and begot Abram, Nahor, and Haran”. This does not signify that Abraham (Abram) was born when Terah was 70 years old. Rather, Abraham is listed first since it was through his seed that God would create a promised land a people and that the Messiah would arrive. The record is highlighting his significance rather than his chronology. (Source:

2) The children of Israel left Egypt 430 years after the covenant between God and Abram (Gal 3:17). The date of this covenant is either when Abram first moved to Canaan at age 75, or at age 85, when Abram had been in Canaan for 10 years (Gen 15-16). I have used age 85 here. Note that the ‘children of Israel’ are literally the offsprings of Jacob, who renamed Israel by God (Gen 32:28). Moses was 80 when he was called to lead the Children of Israel (Exo 7:7). 3) There is general agreement that the division of Israel after Solomon’s death, occurred in 930 BC (although some scholars put it at 975 BC).

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